
Meili, Moe spar about children’s hospital at overcapacity

Apr 7, 2022 | 12:04pm

The Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital is overcapacity, and opposition leader Ryan Meili wants to know what the government’s plan will be. According to a letter the New Democrats shared to hospital staff, pediatric inpatient is at 108 per cent capacity with four admissions waiting in the emergency, while the pediatric ICU is at 125 per […]

Premier Moe provides additional funding for Rural Municipalities

Mar 10, 2021 | 10:30am

  Premier Scott Moe announced important funding for rural municipalities at the annual SARM convention on Wednesday. Premier Moe says the province will advance 11.2 million dollars in economic stimulus funds for the Rural Integrated Roads for Growth program. The funds provide a head start on getting projects approved for the 2021 building season. With […]

NDP raises concern about western separatism

Nov 13, 2019 | 2:59pm

  The NDP raised concerns about western separatism in the Saskatchewan legislature Wednesday. Opposition leader Ryan Meili says Premier Scott Moe failed to denounce talk of western separatism following his meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau this week in Ottawa. Meili says it is a dangerous game not to denounce western separatism. Premier Moe says he […]

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