Final Question Period before fall election sees accusations from NDP over spring snap election

Jul 3, 2020 | 1:40pm

During the final day of Question Period Friday, the Saskatchewan NDP questioned the Sask Party government on their priorities early on in the COVID-19 pandemic. NDP leader Ryan Meili said school boards were reportedly saving space for Elections Saskatchewan for a spring vote instead of COVID-19 response. “Will the Premier stand in this house and […]

NDP questions Sask. government’s decision to discard about 166,000 N-95 masks

Jul 2, 2020 | 4:39pm

The New Democrats are concerned with process the government underwent in 2014 that saw the removal of supplies from a pandemic supply room in Regina, including around 166,000 N-95 respirator masks. A Freedom of Information request from the Saskatchewan NDP indicates the government paid Lean consultants from the U.S. to help lead a “spring cleanup” of a pandemic room […]

Question Period debate centres around potential second session before fall election

Jun 30, 2020 | 11:50am

The provincial NDP continue to bring up concerns over the 2020-21 provincial budget. Opposition leader Ryan Meili says during this 14-day session, the Sask. Party government has not provided any details to the 200 million dollar contingency fund. Meili said the premier doesn’t seem to be taking this session seriously because the entire budget is […]

NDP raises fears of cuts and crown corporation sell-offs to balance the books in Sask

Jun 23, 2020 | 2:45pm

  The NDP is raising fears the SaskParty government is looking at cuts and crown corporation sell-offs to balance the books. Opposition leader Ryan Meili is dissatisfied with provincial fiscal projections and is worried about cuts to key areas like health and education. He expects taxes could also be on the rise and crown sell-offs. […]

NDP calls for Sask. government funding commitments to support school reopening plan

Jun 22, 2020 | 5:41pm

The Saskatchewan NDP has questions regarding the province’s reopen plan for schools and how that plan will be funded. NDP leader Ryan Meili admitted on Monday at the Saskatchewan Legislature that he’s excited to see kids will be going to back to school in the fall, but he is also worried about the concerns attached. […]

Saskatchewan Coroner orders inquest into Samwel Uko’s death

Jun 19, 2020 | 11:51am

The Saskatchewan Coroners service will hold an inquest into the death of Samwel Uko. The 20 year-old died after being recovered from Wascana Lake on May 21. Uko was known to have mental illness, and went to hospital twice for treatment the day of his death, but was escorted out of hospital the second time […]

NDP Requests Independent Investigation in Long-Term Care

Jun 12, 2020 | 2:11pm

The Saskatchewan NDP, is calling for the province to request an independent investigation by the Provincial Ombudsman, into Saskatchewan’s Long-Term Care system. NDP Seniors Critic, Danielle Chartier, says nothing has changed since a 2016 Ombudsman investigation into long-term care, that found the system to be under strain. Chartier added she has spoken with people running […]

NDP calls on Sask. gov’t to commit additional funds once schools reopen in September

Jun 10, 2020 | 1:07pm

Carla Beck, education critic with the Saskatchewan NDP, admitted it’s exciting news that students and staff from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 will return to in-classroom learning in the fall. However, she hopes the provincial government will provide enough direction and resources to ensure there is a safe reintroduction in September. The NDP is calling on the […]

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