
Premier calls NDP MLA an “extremist” and alleges involvement in protest

Premier calls NDP MLA an “extremist” and alleges involvement in protest

Nov 22, 2023 | 8:45am
Premier Scott Moe and his government are accusing the Offical Opposition of involvement in an incident that disrupted proceedings at the provincial legislature earlier this week. On Monday, the sitting was brought to a halt for about half an hour as security removed over 100 protesters calling for the Moe government to join calls for […]
Saskatchewan has highest family violence rate in the country

Saskatchewan has highest family violence rate in the country

Nov 21, 2023 | 3:30pm
New data from Statistics Canada shows a disturbing trend in Saskatchewan when it comes to family violence and intimate partner violence. Saskatchewan has the highest per capita rate of this type of violence, with 732 reported cases of intimate partner violence for every 100,000 people.  The family violence number is similar with 730 cases of […]
Moe says he’s repulsed after legislature member allegedly procured sex

Moe says he’s repulsed after legislature member allegedly procured sex

Nov 21, 2023 | 7:49am
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says allegations that a legislature member procured sex are vile and disgusting.  Moe told reporters Monday he took immediate action to remove Ryan Domotor from government caucus after police informed the premier of a charge involving the Saskatchewan Party backbencher.  “This is not acceptable in any way, by myself, by this […]
Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire shut down Sask. legislature

Protesters calling for Gaza ceasefire shut down Sask. legislature

Nov 20, 2023 | 4:48pm
“CEASEFIRE NOW” was the chant that interrupted Monday’s Legislative Assembly as hundreds of protestors called for a ceasefire and the provincial government’s support. The public gallery was overfilled with protestors who started the chant mid-way through the Question Period, causing all MLAs to be directed back to their chambers. The protestors were a mix of […]
Wheat Growers want no more delays in passing Bill C-234

Wheat Growers want no more delays in passing Bill C-234

Nov 16, 2023 | 4:21pm
The Wheat Growers want Ottawa to stop playing games with Bill C-234 and pass it. The bill that would exempt natural gas and propane used for grain drying and heating & cooling barns from the carbon tax is in 3rd reading in the Senate, but it’s faced delays and bickering from politicians on both sides […]
Carbon price carve-out for heating oil muddied waters in Senate on other bill: Simons

Carbon price carve-out for heating oil muddied waters in Senate on other bill: Simons

Nov 16, 2023 | 4:53am
A Conservative private member’s bill to exempt more fuel used by farmers from the carbon price is stirring up intense lobbying efforts in the Senate, and leaving the Liberals on the verge of being forced to carve up their signature climate policy even more. Alberta Sen. Paula Simons said that the effort to convince senators […]
Another delay facing Bill C-234

Another delay facing Bill C-234

Nov 10, 2023 | 5:07pm
The fix is in.  That was a comment from Senator David Wells, following a raucous session in the senate on Thursday afternoon.  During 3rd reading of bill 234, an amendment was put forward by independent senator Lucie Moncion that had to do with the length of the sunset clause.  It was like an amendment introduced in […]

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