
Report into “Experience Regina” launch released by REAL

Jul 13, 2023 | 11:38am

An independent review is shedding light on the controversial rebranding of Tourism Regina to “Experience Regina.” The 144-page report, conducted by George B. Cuff & Associates Ltd., based in Spruce Grove, Alta., details what happened and how the “incident” happened. Cuff found that on the same day of the “Experience Regina” launch, a REAL staff […]

Pressure to settle B.C. port strike mounting

Jul 12, 2023 | 2:48pm

After almost two weeks since it began, there may finally be some movement in the west coast port strike. Federal labour minister Seamus O’Regan says the strike has dragged on long enough, as he sent a letter to the lead federal negotiator in the strike to come up with a set of recommendations for a […]

NDP says leaked SHA memo shows Sask. Party recruitment failures

Jul 12, 2023 | 1:19pm

The Regina General Hospital temporarily closes one of its medical intensive care unit beds following months of staff shortages. A leaked Saskatchewan Health Authority memo released by the Saskatchewan NDP says that the bed at the Regina General Hospital is to be closed until the beginning of September. “Due to multiple vacancies, staffing these beds […]

Premiers meeting in Winnipeg starts with discussion with Indigenous leaders

Jul 11, 2023 | 7:22am

Canada’s premiers kicked off their annual three-day conference Monday by meeting with Indigenous leaders on issues including housing, child welfare and reconciliation. David Chartrand, head of the Manitoba Métis Federation, said the premiers listened as ideas were discussed on ways to build more affordable housing. Chartrand said he pointed to the federation’s recent move to pay for 800 housing […]

Union rally planned for Vancouver as B.C. port strike continues into second week

Jul 9, 2023 | 7:16am

A rally is to take place in Vancouver today as the strike at British Columbia’s ports stretches into its second week. International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada says the event supporting its workers is expected to include international labour leaders who will call for a negotiated contract settlement with the BC Maritime Employers Association. About 7,400 workers […]

NDP Protests Cuts to Seniors Program

Jun 29, 2023 | 12:45pm

The  “Lifelong Learning Centre” at the University of Regina is being shut down, and the NDP is crying “foul”. According to the Saskatchewan NDP, The U of R warned the Sask Party government months ago that without new funding, they wouldn’t be able to continue the program, There was no funding offered from the government […]

SaskEnergy applying to lower rates on natural gas

Jun 28, 2023 | 9:03am

SaskEnergy announced they are applying to the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) to adjust its commodity and delivery service rates. SaskEnergy is set to submit a proposal to the review panel for a 22.1 per cent decrease in the commodity rate, dropping it from $4.20 to $3.30 per gigajoule.  The crown corporation will also bring […]

Western premiers disappointed by delay to federal bail reform on repeat offenders

Jun 28, 2023 | 8:08am

Premiers from Western Canada said Tuesday they are “extremely disappointed” in the federal government for not passing reforms to the bail system to target repeat offenders before Parliament rose last week for the summer. Speaking at the conclusion of the western premiers’ conference in Whistler, B.C., host Premier David Eby urged the federal government to […]

APAS, other ag groups calling for the passage of Bill C-234

Jun 15, 2023 | 11:56am

The bill to exempt grain drying and heating barns from the federal carbon tax is making progress. Bill-C234 passed second reading in the Senate, and goes to committee for further discussion. But with only two weeks left before the upper chamber rises for the summer break, president of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan Ian […]

SAWS, NDP Critic for Water Security Agency critique WSA’s Ag Water Stewardship Policy

Jun 6, 2023 | 3:56pm

The Saskatchewan Alliance for Water Sustainability (SAWS) and the Sask. NDP Critic for the Water Security Agency, raised concerns Monday of the WSA’s Agricultural Water Stewardship Policy. SAWS says the policy lacks, among other things, requirements to restore drained wetlands, and “no explicit plan to improve water quality already damaged by wetland drainage and other […]

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