
Nokomis farmer elected new chair of Sask. Wheat

Jan 21, 2020 | 6:00am

Nokomis area farmer Brett Halstead has been elected the new chair of the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission. Halstead says his goal is to improve farm profits from wheat production. He says market development and crop research are key areas for Sask Wheat. Halstead has been a Sask Wheat director for over 2 years and was […]

Canola research in Sask gets big boost

Jan 15, 2020 | 1:57pm

  Most canola research centers on the plant’s oil, but a new project will concentrate on improving the protein content. More than 27 million dollars is going into a breeding project to develop hybrid canola varieties that produce high protein meal. Just under half the money comes from the federal government’s SuperCluster program. Bill Greuel […]

Seven people to be inducted into Sask Agriculture Hall of Fame

Jan 7, 2020 | 2:41pm

  The Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame announced its 2020 inductees Tuesday. The event was at the Ag Hall of Fame at the Western Development Museum in Saskatoon. Five individuals, and for the first time ever, one couple will go into the Ag Hall of Fame during a ceremony on April 18th. Those inducted include […]

Agribition provides $100,000 to Livestock and Forage Centre at U of S

Nov 29, 2019 | 5:30am

Canadian Western Agribition has announced a contribution of $100,000 over the next decade to the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence at the U of S. Agribition President Chris Lees says the new centre is an important area of research for the livestock industry. The Dean of the College of Agriculture, Mary Buhr, says the […]

The Federal government provides big boost to canola research in Sask

Aug 15, 2019 | 11:22am

  The federal government has announced an investment of up to 3.45 million dollars for SaskCanola to research for increased crop yields. The research will study genomic resistance and integrated crop management to control Blackleg in canola and other crop diseases. The research will also try to understand more about the emerging disease Verticillium Stripe […]

Federal government announces 11.4 million dollars for dairy research

Jul 16, 2019 | 2:00pm

  The federal government is providing 11.4 million dollars for dairy industry research. Agriculture minister Marie-Claude Bibeau made the announcement Tuesday at the Dairy Farmers of Canada annual meeting in Saskatoon. Bibeau says with investment from the dairy industry, the total amount of research funding will reach 16.5 million dollars. Bibeau says the funding will […]

USask research shows cannabis treats children with epilepsy

Jul 7, 2019 | 11:00am

Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have been treating children with severe epilepsy with medicinal cannabis oil and it is working. But pediatric neurologist Dr. Richard Huntsman cautions it isn’t for every child with epilepsy. “These products seem to be very effective in controlling seizures in some kids with Refractory Epilepsy. This isn’t for everybody […]

Saskatoon hosts synchrotron research conference

Jul 5, 2019 | 7:17am

When you think of synchrotron research, advances in health sciences may come to mind, but the Canadian Light Source on the University of Saskatchewan campus has also defined agricultural science as one of its strategic priorities. CEO Robert Lamb says Saskatchewan is known for its agriculture so it only makes sense, although it hasn’t been […]

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