Ryan Meili

NDP asking Moe what plan is for federal back-to-school money

Sep 1, 2020 | 12:31pm

The NDP continues to hack away at the government over its back to school plan. Leader Ryan Meili wants the Premier to tell us where the 75 million dollars in federal funding announced last week is going. Meili says the federal government bailed the Saskatchewan government out last week with the money, but with a […]

NDP wants to keep funds in classrooms after provincial enrollment numbers are finalized

Aug 24, 2020 | 7:26pm

The provincial NDP is again calling on the province to ensure there is enough funding for a safe return to school for teachers and staff, This time, the opposition is asking that funding is not pulled back from schools based on enrollment. Normally, the province would pull funding in certain divisions once enrollment is finalized […]

NDP leader demands return to legislature to have emergency debate on school plan

Aug 21, 2020 | 1:00pm

The Saskatchewan NDP announced on Friday that party leader Ryan Meili has written to Premier Scott Moe demanding a return to the legislature to hold an emergency debate on the government’s return-to-school plan. Meili said an emergency debate would allow the opposition to ask questions and scrutinize the plan with staff and students back in […]

Saskatchewan NDP leader calls for apology from premier around back-to-school plan

Aug 18, 2020 | 1:14pm

Saskatchewan’s NDP leader is calling on the premier to apologize for the lack of clarity around schools reopening and the stress it has caused to families and to school teachers and staff. On Monday, Premier Scott Moe announced $40 million to help schools in the reopening with the funds coming from a $200 million contingency […]

NDP leader believes education minister is gaslighting school divisions, families

Aug 13, 2020 | 12:49pm

NDP leader Ryan Meili feels Saskatchewan’s minister of education is attempting to gaslight school divisions and families following his latest comments. Meili noted that Minister Wyant said this week that the provincial government’s 2020 $200 million contingency fund could be made available to school divisions that requested it. However he mentioned that the minister stated […]

NDP Asks For Revised Back To School Plan

Aug 5, 2020 | 4:15pm

The Saskatchewan NDP is asking the provincial government redo their homework. Leader Ryan Meili says the back to school plan doesn’t have enough clarity and puts the responsibility for reopening schools on the school divisions, so he is urging the government to revise and resubmit their plan. In the plan released on Tuesday, class sizes […]

NDP leader questions government’s leadership regarding testing, mask use and plan to reopen schools

Jul 30, 2020 | 3:57pm

Ryan Meili said on Thursday afternoon that Saskatchewan’s rising new cases of COVID-19 are “extremely concerning.” This was after the provincial government announced 38 new cases of COVID-19 and one new death for a provincial total of 18. The leader of the official opposition mentioned that Thursday’s numbers put Saskatchewan at the highest weekly-per-capita average […]

Sask NDP setting out safe back-to-school plan

Jul 29, 2020 | 1:42pm

Saying the Scott Moe government is failing Saskatchewan teachers, students and parents on a safe back-to-school plan when schools swing the door open for the 2020-21 academic year in September, the opposition NDP is providing a plan of their own. That plan has seven key requirements: Fix COVID-19 testing. Testing and tracing capacity must be […]

Provincial NDP wants explanation regarding return of hallway medicine during COVID-19 surge

Jul 28, 2020 | 1:36pm

Members of the Saskatchewan NDP are voicing their concerns following reports of hallway medicine at the province’s facilities while there is an increase in COVID-19 cases. On Tuesday, party leader Ryan Meili and health critic Vicki Mowat invited Angela McLean to recount her experience from last fall in a Regina hospital and share what her […]

NDP leader calls government internal review into long-term care standards ‘an insult’

Jul 17, 2020 | 4:56pm

Saskatchewan NDP leader Ryan Meili is calling an internal review into long-term care standards by the government “an insult.” Meili said on Friday he wants to see the government do a proper review of long-term care and commit to appointing an independent seniors’ advocate while introducing legislated minimum care standards. “These are the steps forward […]

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