Ryan Meili

Meili says 13 cent increase in minimum wage is an insult to workers

Jun 8, 2020 | 10:44am

Friday’s announcement by the province that the minimum wage is going up by 13 cents an hour is being met with outrage by the province’s NDP leader. Ryan Meili says the increase is an “insult” and does nothing to help witht he majority of families that were already living paycheque to paycheque before COVID-19. Meili […]

Saskatchewan NDP calls for amnesty, consistent enforcement of COVID-19 fines

May 29, 2020 | 4:00pm

Saskatchewan’s NDP Opposition leader wants the government to consider a provincewide amnesty on fines related to violations of COVID-19 health orders. Ryan Meili says people are getting inconsistent messages from Premier Scott Moe and his Saskatchewan Party government. Moe has said public health officials are to educate people first about limits on gatherings, then look […]

Sask. NDP sends counter proposal to government for limited reopening of the legislature

May 22, 2020 | 1:14pm

The provincial NDP says the government’s offer to hold budgetary scrutiny in a limited setting at the Saskatchewan legislature during COVID-19 is not enough. On Thursday afternoon, Premier Scott Moe said their offer to the NDP was “the most comprehensive opportunity for budgetary legislative scrutiny, of any option that has been put forward in this […]

Meili pushes Premier Moe to end Co-op refinery lockout with binding arbitration

May 20, 2020 | 3:38pm

Ryan Meili, leader of the Saskatchewan NDP, has repeated his call to Premier Scott Moe to recall the legislature – this time to help end the labour dispute between Federated Co-op (FCL) and workers at the Co-op refinery in Regina. He feels the best route to a solution is by passing legislation to impose binding […]

NDP delivers deadline to province for proposals regarding budget, legislature

May 15, 2020 | 1:21pm

The Saskatchewan NDP has given the government a deadline to respond to their proposals for a full budget and to recall the legislature. In a letter from NDP House Leader Cathy Sproule to Government House Leader Jeremy Harrison, a date has been set for Tuesday, May 19. Meili said there is no description from the government […]

Premier says house leaders are meeting to talk about MLA’s heading back to work

May 11, 2020 | 4:47pm

NDP leader Ryan Meili sent a letter to Premier Moe Monday saying it was time to respect our democratic traditions and reconvene the Legislature immediately. It was a move that Moe said “caught him by surprise” as house leaders have already been in discussions to get MLA’s back to work. Speaking Monday at the government’s daily […]

Moe finds silver lining in latest unemployment numbers

May 8, 2020 | 4:39pm

Grim numbers on the job front Friday as Stats Canada says almost 53-thousand jobs were lost last month in Saskatchewan as COVID-19 ravages our economy. On a year-over-year basis, that number stands at 74-thousand. While those numbers are like a cold slap in the face to many, Premier Scott Moe is finding some positives. “Saskatchewan’s […]

Meili urges province to put Sask. businesses and workers first in capital project plan

May 6, 2020 | 4:52pm

The provincial NDP has some questions regarding the Saskatchewan government’s $7.5 billion infrastructure stimulus plan to help the province recover from COVID-19. NDP leader Ryan Meili said they welcome the province’s announcement of building up Saskatchewan during the recovery process of the pandemic. While he believes it’s a positive step, he also would like to […]

Meili calls on province to provide $3m in emergency funding for shelters, food banks

Apr 29, 2020 | 2:46pm

Saskatchewan’s official opposition party wants the province to provide a $3 million aid package for emergency funding. Sask. NDP leader Ryan Meili would like $1.5 million to go to organizations running frontline emergency shelters, while the other half of funding should go to Saskatchewan’s food banks. He said he can’t believe they are still asking […]

Sask. NDP calls for pay top-up for frontline workers

Apr 27, 2020 | 12:55pm

Saskatchewan NDP leader Ryan Meili wants frontline workers in the province to receive a wage top-up. Specifically, he feels low-income essential workers who are at a significant risk during the pandemic should be receiving a “much-deserved raise” while putting in long hours and extra work in stressful circumstances. Meili hopes the province can ensure they are not leaving […]

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