Ryan Meili

Sask. Party and NDP see closest polling numbers in five years

Jan 27, 2022 | 8:37am

The provincial NDP government has closed the gap between themselves and the Sask. Party for the first time in nearly five years. According to a poll done by the Angus Reid Institute, the NDP had a 39 per cent approval rating while the Sask. Party had a 48 per cent approval rating. The gap has […]

Provincial NDP want recommendations from medical health experts released

Jan 21, 2022 | 4:47pm

The provincial NDP believe that  hospitalizations growing in Saskatchewan, staffing shortages and leaked internal modelling are the signs of immediate risk to the health care system. The provincial opposition would like to the see the recommendations from the medical health experts released to the public, to give them a better understanding of what they can […]

Appointment within the ranks of SHA drawing concern from opposition

Jan 14, 2022 | 5:35pm

Shuffling within the higher ranks of the Saskatchewan Health Authority has the provincial opposition questioning the motives of the Saskatchewan government. Raynelle Wilson, a former Sask Party candidate was recently named the Vice President of Enterprise Initiatives Support. The role that is described as providing leadership and collaboration between the SHA, the Ministry of Health […]

Meili Wishes Premier a Speedy Recovery

Jan 13, 2022 | 2:58pm

After the revelation that the Premier of Saskatchewan had tested positive for COVID-19; well-wishes came from the desk of the official opposition. In a statement issued by the NDP, the official leader of the opposition Ryan Meili wished the Premier a speedy recovery. “Wishing the premier and everyone in Saskatchewan who has contracted COVID-19 a […]

Premier hopeful to not implement restrictions

Dec 23, 2021 | 12:14pm

The provincial NDP Government called on the Sask. Party to implement proactive measures to stop a possible major outbreak of the Omicron variant in the province. Premier Scott Moe said they don’t have any plans to implement restrictions on gathering limits at this time “Some people are wondering are Government has not enacted some additional […]

NDP calling for action after modelling shows risks of Saskatchewan hospitals being overwhelmed

Dec 22, 2021 | 2:14pm

The provincial NDP government is calling on the Sask. Party to not wait until it’s too late, and implement proactive Omicron protections now. Current government modelling shows daily cases, hospitalizations, and ICU admissions will increase in the next month without stronger public health interventions, such as gathering limits. Dr. Shabad recommended residents avoid celebrating in […]

COVID-19 response again the topic of debate in Saskatchewan’s Question Period

Nov 23, 2021 | 4:47pm

Tuesday’s Question Period saw more debate over the province’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This time, NDP Leader Ryan Meili accused the Sask. Party government of stopping Crown Corporations from moving ahead with a masking mandate before the province implemented theirs in September. “Internal (Crown Investment Corporation) documents show that the president of SGI wanted […]

Public Health Orders will likely be extended

Nov 16, 2021 | 5:18pm

The current public health orders in Saskatchewan are set to expire on November 30, but they will likely be extended once again. Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab has recommended that current public health orders remain in place for another 4-6 weeks. Premier Scott Moe says a final decision has not been made yet, […]

Handling of the 4th wave of the pandemic debated during Question Period

Nov 10, 2021 | 2:04pm

A debate about the handling of the 4th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan was the main topic of discussion during Wednesday’s Question Period. The provincial opposition said the Saskatchewan government’s failure to listen to medical health experts has cost the province significantly. Health Minister Paul Merriman countered that they have been listening to […]

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