Ryan Meili

Premier Moe has questions about new federal cabinet

Nov 20, 2019 | 5:37pm

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new cabinet has no representation on it from Saskatchewan, but that is something we knew would happen when the Liberals failed to win one of the 14 seats up for grabs in the province on election night with long-time Liberal MP Ralph Goodale losing his seat. That new cabinet was unveiled […]

Health minister says idea of “hush memo” is ridiculous

Nov 19, 2019 | 7:00pm

NDP leader Ryan Meili is accusing the government of trying to silence doctors when it comes to problems in the healthcare system. Meili produced what is being referred to as a “hush memo” during Question Period on Tuesday.  The memo, issued in late September by the Saskatchewan Health Authority,  instructed Saskatchewan doctors to stop advocating […]

Opposition questions Moe on meeting with Trudeau

Nov 13, 2019 | 5:27pm

Premier Scott Moe was grilled on his trip to Ottawa by the provincial opposition Wednesday during question period. Moe attended meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and federal leader of the opposition Andrew Scheer representing Saskatchewan interests such as the federal carbon tax, equalization, and western separation. Moe says he does not believe western separation […]

NDP says Saskatoon hospitals have an overcapacity crisis

Nov 5, 2019 | 1:11pm

The leader of the provincial opposition says opening five new emergency units wouldn’t solve the overcapacity problem in Saskatoon hospitals. Ryan Meili says internal documents from the Saskatchewan Health Authority asked for urgent action to deal with an extreme overcapacity crisis with one indicating as of Saturday there were 150 patients in areas where they […]

Question Period covers lead in Sask. water, concerns with new net metering model

Nov 4, 2019 | 7:25pm

Saskatchewan residents are asking if their water is safe to drink after a report showing higher levels of lead in tap water tested in Regina, Saskatoon and Moose Jaw. The topic was brought up by the Sask. NDP during Monday afternoon’s question period session at the Saskatchewan legislature. The NDP’s Trent Wotherspoon stated that something […]

Sask. New Democrats announce economic vision during convention

Nov 4, 2019 | 6:50am

The Saskatchewan New Democrats have laid out their platform ahead of next year’s provincial election. Over 300 people participated in the party’s convention over the weekend in Prince Albert. While addressing party delegates and supporters, leader Ryan Meili spoke about their vision which he calls an “upstream, resilient economy” for Saskatchewan. Guest speakers and other […]

Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford; education the focus during Question Period Tuesday

Oct 29, 2019 | 4:04pm

The opposition NDP peppered the Sask Party government with questions about problems that have plagued the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford. The mental health facility dealt with leaking areas of the roof during the summer, and it was recently announced that water at the facility is not drinkable due to levels of copper and lead found […]

Provincial government faces criticism after woman was treated in hospital hallway for five days

Oct 27, 2019 | 12:00pm

The Saskatchewan NDP are questioning the provincial government on emergency wait room times across the province. This comes after a woman reportedly spent five days in a hallway in the Pasqua hospital emergency room receiving treatment. NDP leader Ryan Meili said instances of hallway medicine have increased under the Sask. Party government. “They said they would […]

Net metering program faces increased criticism from NDP and solar sector

Oct 24, 2019 | 2:50pm

The net metering program for solar energy debate continued at the provincial legislature Thursday. While NDP leader Ryan Meili said the current net metering program, which sees no generation cap or end date, is killing the solar industry in Saskatchewan, SaskPower minister Dustin Duncan said this is to react to what he calls an anomaly […]

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