Sacred Heart Community School

Play 92 Helping Bring Games to Sacred Heart Community School

Nov 30, 2022 | 6:53am

Monopoly games, Scrabble matches’ and copious rounds of Battleship are often the hallmark of family Christmas celebrations – with lasting memories formed around kitchen tables. For some of the students at Regina’s Sacred Heart Community School – board games are not always a part of the plan. Sacred Heart Community School is hoping to bring […]

COVID-19 discovered at four more Regina schools Sunday afternoon and evening

Mar 15, 2021 | 5:38am

Four more Regina schools reported COVID-19 diagnosis on Sunday. Single cases were reported at Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School, Deshaye Catholic School and Dr. Martin LeBoldus High School. Two cases were identified at Sacred Heart Community School, where Regina Catholic says transmission did not occur in the building. In all cases close contacts, parents and […]

Positive COVID-19 cases found at Sacred Heart, Leboldus

Jan 30, 2021 | 6:18am

Positive cases of COVID-19 have been found at two Regina Schools. One case was discovered at Sacred Heart Community School. Out of caution, the classroom has been closed. Those students will begin remote learning and all other classrooms will remain open. Two unrelated cases were found at Dr. Martin Leboldus High School. All close contacts […]

COVID-19 cases found at O’Neill High School and Sacred Heart Community School

Dec 8, 2020 | 5:43pm

COVID-19 cases have been found at a pair of schools in the Regina Catholic School system. First, a case of COVID-19 at Archbishop M.C. O’Neill Catholic High School, causing the closure of multiple classrooms. All parents and families in the affected classrooms have been contacted by school staff, and the remaining classrooms remain open until […]

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