Saskatchewan Party

Saskatchewan Party to form 4th straight majority government

Oct 26, 2020 | 8:17pm

The Saskatchewan Party is on its way to another majority government meaning “Four Moe Years”. As of 10:45 Monday night, the Saskatchewan Party were leading or elected in 48  of 61 ridings with the NDP leading or elected in 13. With many mail-in ballots that won’t be counted until Wednesday, it is expected several races […]

Saskatchewan votes with Sask. Party looking to stay in power

Oct 25, 2020 | 6:00pm

While many of us have already done so, whether it be voting by mail or by going to an advance poll, it is voting day in Saskatchewan on Monday, as Scott Moe and the Saskatchewan Party look to stay in power by winning a 4th mandate. While a recent Angus Reid poll suggests that will […]

SK election campaign comes to an end

Oct 25, 2020 | 3:44pm

Saskatchewan Party leader Scott Moe and NDP leader Ryan Meili have done all they can do. On Sunday, both men wrapped up their campaign for the provincial election which goes Monday. Moe spent the final day in his home riding of Shellbrook. “Over the past four weeks, we have put forward Our Plan for a […]

Sask’s main political leaders make final campaign stops

Oct 25, 2020 | 8:10am

The leaders of Saskatchewan’s two major political parties made whistle stops across the province Saturday, as their campaigns wrap up. NDP Leader Ryan Meili focused on rural constituencies as he visited Indian Head- Milestone and Last Mountain-Touchwood to give those candidates one last push. “We’ve been on a lot of miles and been to a […]

Meili repeats warning of Sask. Party cuts if re-elected

Oct 23, 2020 | 1:06pm

Saskatchewan NDP Leader Ryan Meili repeated his warning of more cuts and austerity if the Sask. Party is elected on Monday. Meili says the Sask. Party has promised there wouldn’t be any cuts before. “Last election, they told everyone not to worry, ‘trust us’ they said, ‘the crowns are safe’, ‘there won’t be any cuts’ […]

Sask. Party holds “Big Honkin’ Rally” days before election

Oct 22, 2020 | 4:23pm

Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe addressed supporters and volunteers in their cars during their “Big Honkin’ Rally” Thursday afternoon. Moe says the rally was a great opportunity to thank their volunteers for their work during the campaign. “The point of a rally like this is to just keep our volunteers motivated and thank them for […]

NDP says by raising home care fees, Sask. Party leaving seniors behind

Oct 21, 2020 | 12:50pm

Saskatchewan NDP Leader Ryan Meili says that the Sask. Party has left the province’s seniors behind by raising home care fees. Meili says the recent increase will make life more unaffordable for seniors and their families. “Thousands of seniors across Saskatchewan will be paying hundreds more a year to get the care they need, making […]

Moe and Meili encourage Saskatchewan residents to use advance polls this election

Oct 20, 2020 | 10:31am

Those wanting to cast their ballot in person during the 2020 provincial election can do so starting Tuesday. The advance polls are open across Saskatchewan from 12:00-8:00 PM every day until Saturday, Oct. 24. Saskatchewan Party leader Scott Moe is in Saskatoon Tuesday with Saskatoon Riversdale candidate Marv Friesen, who is planning to cast his […]

NDP calls on all parties to call for GTH inquiry

Oct 18, 2020 | 1:15pm

Regina NDP candidates Trent Wotherspoon and Aleana Young called on all Sask. Party candidates to join in their call for an inquiry into the GTH. Wotherspoon says it’s not matter of which party you belong to, it’s a matter of accountability. “At a time when we’re ready to deliver on the kind of honest, accountable, […]

SaskParty reminds voters of NDP’s healthcare record

Oct 17, 2020 | 2:00pm

Saskatchewan’s two main political parties are taking jabs at one another Saturday over healthcare. During a campaign stop in Saskatoon on Saturday, NDP leader Ryan Meili chastised the Saskatchewan Party while announcing his party’s plan for healthcare which includes the hiring of new doctors and nurses along with making an investment in mental health. Meili […]

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