
NDP’s Beck says Provincial Government failing to protect children from COVID-19 in schools

Sep 16, 2021 | 2:51pm

The school year is only a couple of weeks old, but the provincial NDP have given the Saskatchewan government a failing grade for the way they’ve handled protecting children from COVID-19. On Thursday, ahead of Premier Moe’s press conference, Opposition Critic of Education, Carla Beck criticized Premier Moe and Education Minister, Dustin Duncan for ignoring […]

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation renews calls for more COVID-19 protection for schools

Sep 15, 2021 | 8:13am

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation is calling on the province to take measures to protect school staff and children from COVID-19. According to the STF, this year’s school measures would include students who are identified as close contacts in a school setting would be able to return to class as long as they wear a mask, […]

Regina Public Schools release information on return to school plan

Aug 23, 2021 | 11:36am

The Regina Public Schools are hoping for a return to normalcy as they have released some details on their return to school plan. The school division announced that with the majority of elementary students not yet available for vaccinations, students, staff and visitors are required to wear masks at all times in elementary schools and […]

Mask use being recommended in schools, but not being made mandatory

Aug 20, 2021 | 10:24am

The province is updating its COVID-19 guidance for schools. In a release on Friday morning. the government recommends children under 12 as well as unvaccinated teachers and support staff wear masks in common space like hallways and lunchrooms, but mask use is not mandatory. For outdoor activities such as recess or outdoor gym classes, there […]

Education Minister hopeful for “normal” school year, despite fourth wave of COVID-19

Aug 16, 2021 | 8:12am

As another pandemic school year approaches, COVID-19 concerns amongst parents and staff are still prevalent. With the Delta variant making its way across the country, and daily case numbers rising, many are questioning the province’s plan of “business as usual”. Provincial Education Minister Dustin Duncan says he’s hopeful students will return to school full-time in […]

2021-22 school year to look like it was pre-pandemic

Jul 22, 2021 | 3:42pm

Saskatchewan kids are enjoying summer holidays. They don’t have to be back until September, but when they do return it looks as if things will be the way they were before the pandemic. A Back-To-School plan can be found on the Saskatchewan Teachers Federation website. It shows no masks, no physical distancing or other restrictions […]

SHA plans on starting COVID-19 vaccine program in schools next month

May 18, 2021 | 3:28pm

Delivery dates are being finalized, but the Saskatchewan Health Authority says it will start administering COVID-19 vaccines in elementary and high schools across Saskatchewan in June. Once dates are confirmed, the information will be communicated directly to parents through their child’s school. There will be more than 90,000 vaccines in total for individuals 12 years […]

NDP urging province to prioritize teachers in vaccine plan

Apr 15, 2021 | 5:59pm

The Saskatchewan NDP are calling on the government to do more to protect students and school staff as the end of the school year approaches. NDP Education Critic Carla Beck says teachers around the province continue to push to be prioritized in the vaccine rollout. “Prioritize vaccination for school staff, this is something a growing […]

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