scott moe

Fourth wave of COVID-19 response questioned in QP proceedings Thursday

Nov 4, 2021 | 1:27pm

The provincial NDP again questioned the Sask. Party government’s response ahead of the fourth wave of COVID-19 in Question Period Thursday. NDP Leader Ryan Meili says the decisions made by the province put people in danger. “Does the Premier recognize that his choices in July, August and September — his choices made in the face […]

Good news for those who had medical procedures cancelled

Nov 3, 2021 | 4:42pm

Healthcare services delayed because of COVID-19 will start up again next week with the hope being 90 percent of them can be done before the month is over. Both Premier Scott Moe and Health Minister Paul Merriman made that declaration during Question Period on Wednesday. In September, the Saskatchewan Health Authority said many cancer treatments, […]

COVID-19 continues to be topic of choice for NDP in Question Period

Nov 2, 2021 | 4:39pm

The provincial government’s actions on COVID-19 have been once again brought forward during Question Period. NDP Leader Ryan Meili accused the Premier once again of playing political games during the pandemic. Meili says the Premier’s actions have been unfair to children. Premier Scott Moe fired back with accusations of his own after the NDP brought […]

Vaccines mandates debated in Question Period

Oct 28, 2021 | 6:23pm

The Saskatchewan Party and the Provincial NDP’s are on the opposite ends when it comes to the requirement of vaccination. The provincial NDP believe that vaccines should be mandated for public service workers. NDP Leader Ryan Meili believes the provincial government should take the advice of the public health experts in the province. “Legitimate medical […]

Regina man charged with threatening Premier

Oct 18, 2021 | 6:49pm

Regina Police have charged a man after allegedly threatening the lives of Premier Scott Moe and someone from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health. Police say they received a report about a threatening e-mail being sent from a fake account to random people earlier this month.  That e-mail had a message about the pandemic and health-related […]

Moe’s approval rating decreases according to online survey

Oct 13, 2021 | 5:41pm

According to an online survey, Premier Scott Moe has lost some support from the people of Saskatchewan. The Angus Reid Institute reported in a poll, that the Premier of Saskatchewan has an approval rating of 43% which is done from the 61% in the survey that was conducted in June. Moe’s 18% decline in support […]

Sask. Provincial Command being activated to lead emergency response to COVID-19 from here on out

Oct 7, 2021 | 10:02am

(Files from Blaine Weyland) Premier Scott Moe and President of the Saskatchewan Public safety Agency Marlo Pritchard have announced the Provincial Command is being activated through the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) to lead the emergency management response to COVID-19 from here on out. “This is being done to better coordinate the pandemic response between […]

The 2021 federal election was the most pointless one in history according to Premier Scott Moe

Sep 21, 2021 | 2:53pm

According to Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, last night’s federal election was the most pointless election in Canadian history. The Saskatchewan Premier went on the defense today after taking criticism from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during his campaign, as Trudeau felt Saskatchewan has done a poor job handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Moe added that Trudeau should […]

SFL welcomes new measures introduced by Moe, but says it is overdue

Sep 17, 2021 | 8:16am

Like many others, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour is welcoming the introduction of a vaccine passport system and the re-introduction of a mask mandate, but the organization’s president isn’t letting Scott Moe off the hook, Lori Johb says the announcement was overdue and she hopes it is not too late. “It’s a good thing that […]

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