u of r

Canadian Blood Services recruits new donors at U of R blood typing event

Feb 4, 2020 | 7:46pm

University students in Regina were given the opportunity to learn how much of an impact they can make by donating blood. The University of Regina participated in a blood typing event hosted by Canadian Blood Services on Tuesday. The initiative was hosted at other universities across Canada to encourage students to find out their blood […]

URSU pleased by city council’s decision to extend U-Pass into spring and summer months

Feb 3, 2020 | 8:00am

After Regina City Council decided to extend the U-Pass to spring and summer semesters, the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) says this is good news for their university students. During Wednesday’s city council meeting, councillors decided to extend the program for the next three years. The program sees the union make $80,000 per year. […]

University of Regina president delivers final state of the university speech

Jan 28, 2020 | 3:11pm

It was one of many farewells that will be happening over the next couple months for current University of Regina president and vice-chancellor Dr. Vianne Timmons. Dr. Timmons gave her sixth and final state of the university address to Regina Chamber of Commerce members, stakeholders and others on Tuesday afternoon at the Delta Hotel in […]

U of R hosting 15th annual JDC West event

Jan 18, 2020 | 9:23am

The University of Regina is hosting a variety of schools from across western Canada for the 15th annual JDC West competition. This competition brings about 650 delegates from the top 12 post secondary schools in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba come together to compete in a variety of sections, with the main focus being solving a […]

George Elliott Clarke withdraws from U of R lecture

Jan 3, 2020 | 12:40pm

The speaker slated for this year’s University of Regina Woodrow Lloyd Lecture has withdrawn his presentation. The U of R says Canadian poet George Elliott Clarke was slated to be this year’s speaker, but was not supported by all. It is said that Clarke has edited poetry by Stephen Brown, who changed his name from […]

Poet who edited work of convicted killer should speak: University of Regina

Jan 2, 2020 | 2:17pm

REGINA — The University of Regina says it would be against its principles to cancel a lecture by a celebrated Canadian poet who has worked with a convicted killer of an Indigenous woman. Richard Kleer, who is dean of the university’s faculty of arts, says George Elliott Clarke was invited to deliver the Woodrow Lloyd Lecture […]

Political scientists wait to see what happens to the Conservatives after Scheer stepped down

Dec 15, 2019 | 8:00am

A political science associate professor at the University of Regina is waiting to see what they impact will be of Andrew Scheer’s resignation from the Conservative Party leadership. Jim Farney said depending on when the Conservatives elect a new leader, the Liberals will have a better opportunity to get through the 2020 budget with the […]

U of R President Dr. Vianne Timmons announces resignation

Dec 12, 2019 | 11:50am

University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Vianne Timmons has resigned. In a letter she submitted to the board, Timmons indicated she is pursuing an opportunity as president and vice-chancellor at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s. Her resignation will take effect on April 1. Provost and Vice-President Thomas Chase will take over the […]

University of Regina co-op program celebrates 50th anniversary

Dec 7, 2019 | 3:00pm

Several University of Regina alumni were in the city earlier this week to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the school’s co-operative program. The program, which was originally intended for engineering students only, helps build work experience through internships and work/study placements, which in turn helps the students build a network for their career advancement. Student […]

Saskatchewan recognizes the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Dec 6, 2019 | 9:39am

Saskatchewan recognizes the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada on Friday.  It is also the 30th anniversary of the deaths of 14 female engineering students who were targeted and killed in 1989 at Montreal’s École Polytechnique because they were women.  “Combatting violence against women and girls is everyone’s responsibility,” […]

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