As the longest-serving heir apparent in British history, King Charles III brings decades of public service — and personal baggage — to Buckingham Palace. With Queen Elizabeth now laid to rest, the King will have to prove himself worthy of the throne he inherited, as he contends with his own complicated reputation and renewed scrutiny of the Crown’s […]
Canadians rose early on Monday to watch Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral service in groups or at home, saying they felt a sense of history occurring before their eyes. Canada’s longest-serving head of state died on Sept. 8 at her holiday home of Balmoral Castle in the Scottish Highlands at the age of 96, setting off […]
Britain and the world said a final goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II at a state funeral Monday that drew presidents and kings, princes and prime ministers — and crowds who massed along the streets of London to honor a monarch whose 70-year reign defined an age. In a country known for pomp and pageantry, the first state funeral […]