
Sask Water Security Agency report shows improved water supplies this summer

Jul 13, 2022 | 7:53am

  This summer’s water supply report is a sharp contrast from last year. Water Security Agency spokesperson Sean Osmar says lake and reservoir levels across most of Saskatchewan are near normal. He adds surface water supplies have improved with recent rains. Osmar says most of the Qu’Appelle Lakes are near the top of their summer […]

Water Security Agency offers new funding for constructed farm drainage projects

Jun 30, 2022 | 2:03pm

The Water Security Agency is providing up to one million dollars in new funding for channel clearing and maintenance for constructed agricultural drainage projects. The funds are available for local governments, including RM’s, Conservation and Development Area authorities and Watershed Associations. The expanded eligibility includes maintenance for constructed drainage projects. Previously, only natural watercourses qualified […]

Sask runoff forecast for spring sees mostly normal to below normal in southern grainbelt

Mar 11, 2022 | 5:48am

The spring runoff forecast for Saskatchewan sees below to well below normal runoff for much of the southern grainbelt. The Water Security agency says many areas went into winter drier than normal and despite significant snowfall runoff will be normal to below normal. Only areas in the south east of Moose Jaw are forecast to […]

Water Security Agency runoff forecast sees mostly below normal in southern grainbelt

Feb 9, 2022 | 5:53am

The latest Water Security Agency runoff forecast shows varying conditions across Saskatchewan this spring. The preliminary outlook shows most of southern Saskatchewan with below normal snowmelt runoff potential. The central areas, with above normal snowpack, can expect an above normal snowmelt response. However, flooding is not expected. For the south, one exception to the below […]

Sask livestock producers welcome extension to government farm water development program

Jan 21, 2022 | 6:51am

The president of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers welcomes an extension to the farm and ranch water development program deadline. The March 31st deadline has been extended to the end of September, but producers must start the paperwork by the end of March. Stock Growers president Kelcy Elford says producers were concerned about shortages of contractors […]

Latest spring run-off forecast in Sask to be average or below average

Dec 22, 2021 | 2:07pm

Parts of central and northern Saskatchewan could be in for more precipitation than normal this winter. However, the Water Security Agency predicts spring runoff will be average, or even below average, in the spring. The predictions are contained in the Agency’s 2021 Conditions at Freeze-up Report. The report says soil moisture conditions in most agricultural […]

Sask Water Security Agency offers water drainage workshops for farmers

Dec 20, 2021 | 11:02am

  The Water Security Agency is offering free online workshops for farmers to plan water drainage projects in a changing climate. The workshops, called AgH2Onward, will introduce farmers to the Agricultural Water Management program in Saskatchewan, the process and benefits of drainage approvals, and techniques to best manage water on their land. The free workshops […]

Provincial and federal governments to upgrade drinking water and water infrastructure projects in Sask.

Aug 13, 2021 | 2:35pm

The federal and provincial governments announced today upgrades and funding for drinking water and water infrastructure projects in three provincial parks and in nine communities. The Rowan’s Ravine Provincial Park will reconstruct it’s facultative lagoon into a two cell lagoon. The project will include raising existing berms and rehabilitating various existing structures. The new lagoon […]

Federal-provincial governments provide support to cow-calf producers to protect surface water

Jul 14, 2021 | 1:23pm

The federal and provincial governments have announced a support program for Saskatchewan livestock producers for run-off control measures. The executive director of the programs branch of the Saskatchewan ministry of Agriculture, Mark Anderson, says the program will provide up to 75 percent of project costs, to a maximum of 15 thousand dollars. The program is […]

City of Regina once again entertaining idea of adding fluoride to drinking water supply

Jul 14, 2021 | 9:39am

Adding fluoride to the city of Regina’s drinking water is being discussed at City Council Wednesday afternoon, with a notice of motion being introduced. The idea is to have equipment ready to add fluoride to the city’s drinking water when upgrades to the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment facility are completed in about four years time. […]

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